High on the agenda: ebooks. Jamaican publishers have begun to embrace the digital revolution both as a means of lowering the cost of providing books to the local market and as a way of tapping into the wider international market. The BIAJ noted that several of its member publishers including the University of the West Indies Press, Pelican Publishers, Ian Randle Publishers and LMH Publishing have made major strides in launching their ebook catalogues, while Jamaican self-publishers are independently launching ebooks in growing numbers.
Christine Randle from Ian Randle Publishers and Ronald Robinson from the Office of the Deputy Principal at the University of the West Indies gave updates on their digital publishing initiatives. Robinson outlined UWI Mona’s initiatives which began with a project in the Faculty of Medicine. The University licensed ebooks from the publishers of the textbooks used and now offer them to students on a UWI-branded electronic reader. The project has expanded to include smart classrooms and a library app that allows electronic borrowing.
UWI is now doing a pilot with Jamaica College to provide sixth form textbooks electronically.
Read the full story in the Jamaica Gleaner.