Launched at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago on April 27th, 2013, the Award, established by CODE with the generous support William (Bill) Burt and the Literary Prizes Foundation and in partnership with the Bocas Lit Fest, aims to celebrate the literary achievements of Caribbean authors while improving young readers’ access to books that are engaging and meaningful to them.
Part of a growing global initiative, the Burt Award for Caribbean Literature is an annual Award that will be given to three English-language literary works for Young Adults (aged 12 through 18) written by Caribbean authors. A First Prize of $10,000 CAD, a Second Prize of $7,000 CAD and a Third Prize of $5,000 CAD will be awarded to the winning authors. Publishers of winning titles will be awarded a guaranteed purchase of up to 3,000 copies.

Winners will be announced at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest in Trinidad and Tobago in April 2014.
Learn more about the Award and find the link to the official guidelines and entry forms.